duminică, 8 ianuarie 2012

Who will love you?

Sanatate: ma dor plamanii, again..
Energie: nope
Atentie: sa zicem ca oamenii pot trece pe langa mine fara sa ii observ.
Chef de viata: Cand am sa ies afara sigur am sa am.
Ce trebuie sa fac: Sa termin de citit o carte.
Ce ascult: Birdy - Skinny Love
Mi-e dor de: Tata...
De ce am nevoie: De un whiskey cu Cola
I told you to be patient I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced I told you to be kind
Now all your love is wasted then who the hell was I? 
Cause now I'm breaking at the britches
And at the end of all your lines

Who will love you? who will fight? 
And who will fall, far behind? 

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